Caio Amaral

Window managers in macOS

As you might know, macOS is a great operational system, although it has some great features, it is certainly not the best at Windows management. I wonder why đŸ€”.

The good thing is that macOS is a very open platform and developers are able to contribute to the OS on core level features, such as window management.

Here are my top favorite window managers for macOS:


Amethyst is a great tiling window manager for macOS, probably the closest thing to i3 you can have after Yabai (which requires you to disable SIP)



I used to be an avid user of Spectacle however, ever since the project has been discontinued I started to use Rectangle instead. It is an Ok app, theres nothing super magical about it.


Other Window Management Apps

Some other window management apps that I don’t use but are worth checking out: