Burnout is a serious condition lead by a constantly stress period.
- Emotional Exhaustion I don’t give a shit anymore, I can’t be bothered
- Detached Attitude I don’t care, whatever
- Low sense of achievement Doesn’t matter what I do, whatever
Leads To
- Poor Performance
- Gateway to Anxiety and Depression
Side Effects
- Acute Physical Crises Unpleasant to do things
- Chronic Physical Crises Long term physical side effects
- Psychological & Social Disruptions
- Neocortex
- Mammalian
- Reptilian
Reptilian Brain
- Freeze
- Flight
- Fight
- Reproduce
In cases of stress the Reptilian Brain enhances senses, making you potentially oversensitive to interpreting people’s signals talk and behavior making you overreact and depressed.
How to get out of a Burnout?
- how burned out am I?
- What’s Causing It?
- What can I do to fix it?
Quick Hacks
[Maslach Burnout Inventory](https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTCS_08.htm)
- Emotional ExhausSleep at least 8 Hours
Sleep deprivation is a prohibited torture
Psychological Hacks
Labeling an emotion has been proven to reduce the impact. It engages the executive brain and disrupts the emotion’s intensity
Describe an emotion in a word or two
Technique to expose different options of paths
Describe the situation from someone else’s point of view
Passive → Active
Future → Past
Used by hostile interrogators.
3 Control Questions
- What can’t I control?
- What am I trying to control? Influence Circle
- What are the things that I could control, but I’m not controlling right now? Circle of control
Controlling the Sympathetic Nervous System (Box Breathing)
- Breath out all the way.
- Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
- Breathe In through the nose over 4 seconds
- Repeat 15 times.
The concentration of carbon dioxide in your blood will increase, dumping down the sympathetic nervous system.